Team Members
Our current and former lab members.
Current Lab Members
Prof Lindsay Hall - Group Leader
Specialising in understanding the multi-faceted role of the early life microbiota, with the goal of developing therapies to improve human and animal health.
Dr Raymond Kiu - Research Fellow
Investigating the role of Clostridium perfringens in pre-term intestinal infection using both computational and experimental approaches
Dr Matthew Dalby - Research Fellow
My current project involves computational analysis of the results of a trial investigating how a Bifidobacterium probiotic can shape the developing infant gut microbiota in premature babies.
Dr Magdalena Kujawska - Research Fellow
Investigating diet as an evolutionary driver in the microbiota genus Bifidobacterium using genomics and experimental approaches.
Dr Iliana Serghiou - Research Scientist
Studying the development and evolution of the human infant skin microbiome
Dr Luke Acton - Research Fellow
Investigating a novel iron transporter in early-life gut microbiota
Dr Hannah Trivett - Research Fellow
Exploring microbiome datasets to understand microbe-microbe interactions and their impact on human health using experimental and bioinformatic approaches
Sarah Phillips - Research Scientist
My current projects look at how gut microbes contribute to maintaining health during pregnancy and early life; and also in healthy ageing.
Charlotte Jones - Research Associate
My project looks at how Bifidobacterium may modulate immune response in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases.
Leon Mijic - PhD Student
Investigating the effects of beneficial and pathogenic microbiota in the infant microbiome
Former Lab Members
Anne Jordan - PhD Student
My project will look at how the early life microbiota modulates vaccine responses
Antia Acuna-Gonzalez - Research Scientist
Understanding antibiotic resistance in early life microbiota
Dr Elizabeth Darby - Research Fellow
My project focuses on understanding how members of the gut microbiome may increase or decrease inflammatory immune responses
Dr David Seki - Post Doctoral Scientist
Deciphering Bifidobacterium-diet-immune interactions in global infant populations
Dr Christian Zenner - Post Doctoral Scientist
Deciphering the composition of gut microbiota of humans and animals through sequencing and cultivation approaches, and investigating how microbiota members can promote immune functions in different hosts.
Nancy Teng - PhD Student
My project will look at the gut microbiota and breast cancer.
Hassan Saeed - PhD Student
Deciphering the infant’s gut microbiome in search for emerging untouched multi-drug resistant pathogens in different geographical regions
Thomas Atkinson - Microbiome Technician
My current projects look at gut microbes during pregnancy and early life (PEARL), and in healthy ageing (MOTION).
Bastian-Alexander Truppel - Microbiome Technician
Providing laboratory support for the Chair with a focus on understanding host-microbe crosstalk
Dr Diana Papp - Post Doctoral Scientist
Developing tools to understand how Bifidobacteria promotes gut health
Dr Gowrinadh Javvadi - Post Doctoral Scientist
Investigating and functionally characterising key gut microbiome metabolites involved in host-microbe cross talk.
Peter Smith - Project Scientist
My current role involves helping to run two clinical studies; PEARL and MOTION. Both studies are looking at the effect the microbiome has on the health of different groups of people.
Dr Cristina Alcon - PhD Student
Impact of antibiotics on the preterm gut microbiota.
Shabhonam Caim - Bioinformatician
As a computational scientist, I try to understand the complexity of genomes using computational algorithms.
Dr Zoe Schofield - Post Doctoral Scientist
Investigating microbe-host interactions in utero.
Holly Acford-Palmer - Project Scientist
I now work as a Project Scientist in the Hall lab group looking at the effect of probiotics on the microbiota of premature neonates.
Dr Ian O’Neill - Post Doctoral Scientist
Studying the impact of specific bifidobacterial components on inflammatory immune responses.
Dr Melissa Lawson - Research Fellow
Exploring the impact of infant milk diet on microbiota development, with the intention of developing an enhanced infant formula.
Dr Cho Zin Soe - Post Doctoral Scientist
Exploring the iron uptake mechanisms in Bifidobacterium in the context of colonisation resistance against enteric pathogens.
Deborah Pungel - MSc Student
In my project I will examine how the presence of Bifidobacterium breve exopolysaccharide (EPS) modulates changes in the microbiota in early life.
- Thomas Brook - Visiting PhD Student
Isolating Klebsiella strains and bacteriophages from gut samples of premature babies.
Charlotte Leclaire - Project Scientist
Investigating the early life microbiota in preterm infants, and exploring new desirable traits of potentially probiotic strains of Bifidobacteria.
Lisa Chalklen - Project Scientist
Linking premature infant bacterial and immune profiles with the development of early life enteric infections and investigating diagnostic markers.
Shannah Donhou - PhD Student
Investigating the impact of the early life microbiota on vaccination responses
Dr Lukas Harnisch - PhD Student
Investigating the effect of Bifidobacterium on the host intestine in health and disease through an integrated ‘omics and experimental approach.
- Helena Adjei - MSc Student
Probing immune and metabolite molecules as diagnostic markers for development of pre-term infant inflammatory disorders.
- Jennifer Ketskemety - Technician
Isolating novel Bifidobacterium strains and coordinating BAMBI study.
- Dr Suparna Mitra - Senior Bioinformatician
Bioinformatics and statistical analysis of clinical microbiome studies.
- Dr Christopher Wright - Technician
DNA and protein extraction from in vivo and infant samples.